It’s all about Customer Service!

It’s always good when we receive good feedback from our clients, so we’d like to share some of ours.

This week we heard from Maersk Drilling Australia :

Thank you sincerely for the assistance that Scavenger Supplies provided last week whilst the Nan Hai VI experienced unplanned downtime. Your instant action (both during and out of office hours) without question or hesitation surpassed our expectations and your knowledge of the mechanical aspects of our requirement was reassuring when we had questions about how best to move forward. Your services have saved Maersk Drilling Australia potentially millions of dollars in unplanned downtime costs so thankyou from the whole team.

We look forward to provind you with the same service!

By | 2017-06-18T07:13:26+00:00 April 29th, 2012|customer service, feedback, testimonial|

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